Commercial work & portraits

07881 844980

Affordable creative, professional photography; to enhance your business or website. Based in Hampshire for over 20 years we have worked with a broad range of customers from the Household Cavalry in Knightsbridge to The Governor of the Falkland Islands. we specialize in available and low light photography and images with a creative edge.

On commercial shoots, not using professional models, we have found 80% plus of the men do not freeze when it comes to having their portrait taken, and on the surface, are not overtly self conscious about the process either. They want instructions of what to do, how and when. They listen, and most times fall into that way of sitting, smiling, posing etc readily. They are happy to have the process over and done with quickly, once the photographer is happy. We also found that around 80% of women, however, are more likely to freeze or adopt an overtly dramatic, caricature of a pose when confronted with the same scenario. A mix of emotion is palpable in their being; anger, panic and embarrassment are visible in their faces; any gentle words of direction from the photographer go unheard, and suddenly, they can’t smile with any degree of confidence while moments prior have been directing procedures with efficiency, conversation and laughter. In short, many women turn into jibbering wrecks. On the surface, such a difference in behaviour would seem odd as women are traditionally much more used to looking at their own faces – when applying make-up, styling their hair, cleansing, toning etc, and when taking selfies.

It is claimed that the average 16-25- year-old woman spends more than five hours a week taking photos of themselves. According to the Pew Research Centre report in 2014, 68% of millennial women (18-33 year-olds) had posted a selfie, compared to 42% of millennial men.

This would all suggest that women know their faces and features better than men know theirs. That they know how they want to look and also how best to achieve that look – with chin down, eyes up to give them that big eyes-and- oval- face-classic- beauty-look. But, because so many women, are conscious of how they think they should look, when put in front of a camera they try pulling that ‘magazine face’, in order to achieve it. This is the face that shouts out from every area of the media. When this doesn’t work, they say they hate having their photo taken and relinquish any responsibility for it.

With the selfie habit, however, while some might accuse women of becoming more self-obsessed, it could also be argued that women have found a way of having total control of their own image, through their eyes, and, are doing it for themselves.



Dan Bernard Flickr

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